As the title for the post of this time. What do you people actually thought of that?
As what
she end her blog with this question, I don't really get whats the meaning right here.
Please don't misunderstood me k? No body back stabbed about you to me. You let me so disappointed. Really and you really did.
At first in my mind when I met you that time, you're pure 100% clever, smart and nice girl. But now, you've changed my perception in my mind. I can't believe that you will do that kind of thing with your so called besties? and your Keegan? against your friend?
Can you still call it as "FRIEND"?
And still you crying in front of the seniors and they thought you get bullied by Lich they all? Wouldn't you explained it more to them? I guess you explained to them but or maybe they get wrong points.
Whatever, I have to said again. You did really let me feel so much disappointed, Toong.
I don't need any explains from you and maybe you will tell me none of my business and actually I don't really care until you start criticized and scold Lich including Hy, Sw and XXP.