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Monday, June 2, 2008

Korean Name

lame or not just try this. I found this at friendster's bulletin and feels like wanna share it with all..

Surname : Korean surname
is the last number in your year of birth.
- 0: Park
- 1: Kim
- 2: Shin
- 3: Choi
- 4: Song
- 5: Kang
- 6: Han
- 7: Lee
- 8: yoh
- 9: Jung
II. Middle name : is your month of
birth .
- 1: Yong
- 2: Ji
- 3: Rae
- 4: Hye
- 5: Dong
- 6: gwa
- 7: Ha
- 8: Hyo
- 9: Soo
- 10: Eun
- 11: Hyun
- 12: Je
III. Name : is your day of birth .
- 1: Hwa
- 2: Woo
- 3: Joon
- 4: Hee
- 5: Kyo
- 6: Kyung
- 7: Wook
- 8: Jin
- 9: Jae
- 10: Hoon
- 11: Ra
- 12: Bin
- 13: Sun
- 14: Ri
- 15: Soo
- 16: pow
- 17: Sang
- 18: Ae
- 19: Neul
- 20: Mun
- 21: In
- 22: Mi
- 23: Ki
- 24: Ah
- 25: Byung
- 26: Seok
- 27: Gun
- 28: Yoo
- 29: Sup
- 30: Won
- 31: Sub

By the way my Korean name is Jung Je-Mi lol.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my name is jung ha sub. i don really lik it actualy.

February 26, 2009 at 10:55 PM  
Blogger saddient said...

looks like we got a same surname there lol

February 27, 2009 at 12:20 AM  

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