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I am going to achieve my achievement in two years later.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Man, today something have been bothering my mind. My mind was totally messed up with lots problem. I felt that but there were actually no problems at all and I have a friend named X. She told me something made her very *fan* but she dunno what's the problem and yet now I get involved the same situation with her. Or maybe just her situation caused me react like this. This morning I wasn't in mood. The first time my hair was set simply to campus.

How it was look? Can said look alike those korean stylo as Rog told me last time *dun always watch Korean drama so much and you might become sissy easily. LOL

You could underestimate it. Just because I did that and I regret for my sem 1 acedemic result. Average of all is FAILED!!

Now, everyday after college time, I spent the most of my time by doing tutorial work and studying. Other than that of course got play DOTA to entertained my life for sure. About sport, I'm no longer active anymore in basketball except for swimming. Just only 8 hours ago, I played basketball and went for swimming. My whole body really tired and the left part of my shoulder suffered painfully from overactive in swimming.

And the effect of not getting enough in sleep will become like this:

Since when age same meaning with name?? Totally very blur today. Everyone in my BM group laugh at me. >.<"

I've realised this sem everyone made out survey for either English units or Bahasa Melayu unit so do I. My group choosen "Makanan Segera" the assignment topic and this surely a boring topic to do.

Anyone listened to Jay Chow's new released album? There was only one song can considered as nice song among the 10 songs. Thx cM's bro for supplying the songs.
***Recommemded song track number 5***

.... and what they did to filled up their leisure time. ==

arigator sayonara for now!


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