Expired post
I've got nothing to post recently so I picked something to keep my blog stay alive. I'm going to blog a short trip to a Siamese Temple located at Tangkak in Johor last 4 days ago. Lame right? In your mind you would think that "Aiya, just temple only mar..." I don't know whether you all went to Thailand and visited those temples but I never did before. I never went to any country out of Malaysia since 10+ years ago when my dad brought whole of us to Singapore that happened in 1993 like that. Since then, I seldom have long and interest vacation. Thats how my childhood passed. I'm envy of everyone can go for vacation out of Malaysia like Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, London or Australia. Ish~
Introducing... the so-called as the most strongest Buddha among others in the temple? Guess so...

A high monk golden plated statue. I wonder this will worth how much if I sell him at the black market? RM300K? or in million? Too bad he's in the glass if not I am going to carry you back... heavy* just jk~
Black market? What meaning by black market you know? From the dictionary black market defined as illegal business of buying or selling goods or currency in violation of restrictions such as price controls or rationing. Haram tau?!

oh~ you're bad luck today dude.. I am going to steal you but not your brother in the glass. God bless you man. I wanted to do so but my old man stopped me from touching the golden monk even though only his one hair. sigh* it just a statue only la, dad.

Time for move to other side of the temple, some ancient windows. Common.. See next picture then.

wow~ 4 faced Buddha... and of course 4 pairs of arm.

a random pic... too free at the moment that time.

At last Guan Yin pic? lol... yea there are two of her assistant there. lame~ ==

Know as wealth Buddha and Buddhist believe that whoever pray by sincerely will become wealthy for them self and their generation by generation. If got such thing, our country's economy won't having inflation lor?

Sheng Wei said this one is fortune "chim". Huh!?!

See my daddy greedy. Sifat ketamakan membawa padah you've heard that before? == ong mali ong mali ong give me 4D number... lol
We spent about 20 minutes at there. They were busy praying while I walked around and start cam whoring. Haha.. Next, we head to some place that recommended by my sister. She said the stall serve the most delicious "koon lou" noodles in Tangkak, Johor. I thumbed up after I 've tasted the first noodles that landing on my tongue. I swear I will go there try it again and too bad I never write down the address and the map. Thats the best "koon lou" noodles I ever had before. Trust me!

Got'cha... saw the rubber tapper beside our car on they way to drop my sister at her Matriculation College.
Shit of the shit! That's the sentence I like to use frequently nowadays even I'm on they dinning table, Su Ann will probably make my mouth shut by scolding me. She won't read this. Hehe..
I am having lots of stressing problem from last Saturday. Plenty of assignment undone by me, tutorial papers, misc stuff and relation problem. So I choosen smoking to released my burden. Sigh*
Is it really working? I don't think so and I told this to X. She called me to stop and I'm quit.
Here's the proof:

Promised you that I will quit. Really!
Introducing... the so-called as the most strongest Buddha among others in the temple? Guess so...

A high monk golden plated statue. I wonder this will worth how much if I sell him at the black market? RM300K? or in million? Too bad he's in the glass if not I am going to carry you back... heavy* just jk~
Black market? What meaning by black market you know? From the dictionary black market defined as illegal business of buying or selling goods or currency in violation of restrictions such as price controls or rationing. Haram tau?!

oh~ you're bad luck today dude.. I am going to steal you but not your brother in the glass. God bless you man. I wanted to do so but my old man stopped me from touching the golden monk even though only his one hair. sigh* it just a statue only la, dad.

Time for move to other side of the temple, some ancient windows. Common.. See next picture then.

wow~ 4 faced Buddha... and of course 4 pairs of arm.

a random pic... too free at the moment that time.

At last Guan Yin pic? lol... yea there are two of her assistant there. lame~ ==

Know as wealth Buddha and Buddhist believe that whoever pray by sincerely will become wealthy for them self and their generation by generation. If got such thing, our country's economy won't having inflation lor?

Sheng Wei said this one is fortune "chim". Huh!?!

See my daddy greedy. Sifat ketamakan membawa padah you've heard that before? == ong mali ong mali ong give me 4D number... lol
We spent about 20 minutes at there. They were busy praying while I walked around and start cam whoring. Haha.. Next, we head to some place that recommended by my sister. She said the stall serve the most delicious "koon lou" noodles in Tangkak, Johor. I thumbed up after I 've tasted the first noodles that landing on my tongue. I swear I will go there try it again and too bad I never write down the address and the map. Thats the best "koon lou" noodles I ever had before. Trust me!

Got'cha... saw the rubber tapper beside our car on they way to drop my sister at her Matriculation College.
Shit of the shit! That's the sentence I like to use frequently nowadays even I'm on they dinning table, Su Ann will probably make my mouth shut by scolding me. She won't read this. Hehe..
I am having lots of stressing problem from last Saturday. Plenty of assignment undone by me, tutorial papers, misc stuff and relation problem. So I choosen smoking to released my burden. Sigh*
Is it really working? I don't think so and I told this to X. She called me to stop and I'm quit.
Here's the proof:

Promised you that I will quit. Really!